Westside Middle School Band
Keeping Up-to-date With the WMS Band
The fact you are here shows you are interested in the happenings of the WMS Band. Would you like instant access to the latest information and communications about the band program? Of course, I will keep the website up-to-date with necessary information. The primary way I will contact students and parents during the school year with immediate need-to-know information is through the use of the Remind messaging system. You can access Remind via text, app, and computer. Mr. Pearce will use Remind to send messages to students and parents about upcoming events and important information as necessary. Additionally, you can use the network to contact Mr. Pearce directly to ask questions you may have or to communicate with him about other band information. Did you know should you already have access to Mr. Pearce through Remind? If you have provided access to your contact information to the school system, you should be linked to Mr. Pearce's account when your band member is registered for class. If not, please contact the registrar at Westside to take the necessary steps for you to join!